Choirmaster 2024 – Happy New Year!

Good Evening Singers!

I hope you are all well. Please take the time to read this information carefully as it summarises everything I talked about on Wednesday at Jarrow Focus, moving forward into 2024 and some important changes. 2024 is a very exciting year for Choirmaster. This year it will be 5 years since we launched and in that time we have grown in strength and the choir has gone through a number of changes in terms of style and ability.

5th Year Anniversary Performance – The Customs House.

This year we will be marking our anniversary with a concert at The Customs House on Sunday 1st September 2024. The concert will feature a range of new songs and previous repertoire and will be around 2 hours long, 2 acts in length and will be complete with an interval. There will also be solo opportunities too. It will be a huge undertaking and preparations have been underway for the last few months. Needless to say in order to produce a concert of this magnitude and level and to what our audience will deserve a lot of hard work is going to have to take place.


The rehearsal schedule is now complete up until the end of 2024 and includes all of the weekly rehearsals, monthly group rehearsals and material we will be singing. It also includes the date of the Christmas show on Friday 20th December 2024! This year it includes a number of breaks for school holidays too. This will allow you to plan well ahead in advance and prepare your lyrics. As well as this you will also be able to familiarise yourself with the songs in advance.


I believe that you have grown from strength to strength as a choir particularly over the last six months. The Chloe & Liam Show as well as the feedback from the Christmas Concert is testament to this. As we prepare for our 5th year anniversary concert it is important to understand that we need to develop operationally to maintain the standard that we are capable of achieving which will require absolute commitment.

Choirmaster has been ran previously on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. However we are now going to be operating as a membership. Despite the costs in venues going up, the price of rehearsals will remain at £6 per week. Don’t forget that this allows you to attend both of our rehearsals in South Shields and Hebburn.

Moving forward payment must be made for the term in full from which ever week you join Choirmaster. The cost of the membership will be however many weeks are left from the day you join.

For example, if you join on Monday 15th / Tuesday 16th Jan of the current 10 week term, payment due will be £60.00.

Payment plans are available on a discretionary basis. I must stress this must not financially penalise anyone and you must contact me if this could cause you difficulty.

In addition to our weekly rehearsals we also have one full choir rehearsal a month at Jarrow Focus. This is usually the second Wednesday evening each month. This will remain on a pay as you go basis at £6.00. This isn’t however an excuse to not attend rehearsal.


In order to become a member you must read carefully, print off and fill in the form which is available by clicking here

You must bring the completed form in with your termly payment in order to receive your membership pack and rehearsal schedule. Due to the card fees incurred please bring and pay with cash. There is a £5 supplement for card payments. Receipts will be provided if you wish. Physical copies of the forms are available at rehearsal if you are unable to print.

When you are a member you must sign in on attendance to rehearsals.

Other Information

Moving forward, new singers can join at any point within the term. However, I will be asking prospective new singers to audition informally as a group at the end of their first rehearsal. This does not apply to current members of the choir.

I must also stress that you must use Dropbox to assist your practice in between rehearsals. If you have any issues accessing this you must speak to me. If I feel you are under rehearsed you will be unable to perform as it is unfair on the rest of the choir.

I will also be continuing to drive a positive rehearsal environment. Please ensure you are arriving in a timely manner. All the venues are open from 30 minutes prior to the start of the rehearsal. Also, if you need to leave early please let me know in advance. Also, moving forward there is to be no consuming of alcohol prior to or during rehearsals. It is very bad for your voice.

If you can’t attend a rehearsal due to illness or other exceptional circumstances you must let me know by telephone on 07854 829091. Please do not post on social media.

Social Media & Facebook Groups

The members groups will be also going through a couple of changes in the coming weeks as we transition into our new year. Anyone who is not a member of the choir will be removed from the Facebook groups in due course and can continue to follow our Facebook pages. Please do not ‘invite’ anyone to the Facebook group if they are not a member of the choir.

In Conclusion

Whilst this is a lot of information to take in, it is vital to adapt to these changes in order to achieve a first rate concert. Hiring a major theatre such as The Customs House is no mean feet. This year we are going to take Choirmaster to a new level which will open so many doors moving forwards.

So in summary….

Term returns on Monday & Tuesday this coming week and I can’t wait to see you!

Please bring your completed membership forms which are available by clicking here

Please also bring this terms payment of £60.00 in cash. You can pay card but there is a £5 supplement. 

If you have any queries or issues please pick up the phone and call me on 07854 829091.

Adam x

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